Correction: No registration required for Music at Sugar Pond August 12th!


There is no registration requirement for Music at Sugar Pond, August 12th.

We hope you and your family will join us for this free event! More info on POW's webpage.


Join us for a free concert August 12th, 6-8pm at Sugar Pond
Annie Sumi, with Adam Hart opening. Come listen to Annie Sumi's ethereal music drift across the water. Bring your family, a blanket, a picnic - and binoculars to spot wildlife! Enjoy a self-guided, interpretive nature walk around the pond during intermission (signs will be posted), plus our birder extraordinaire, Julien Amsellem, will be in attendance to help us make sense of any avian visitors.

Come early! You can walk the interpretive trail and chat with members of Hastings Conservation Commission starting at 4:30pm.


This event is free, thanks to generous sponsors Dandelion Energy, the #1 geothermal installer in the Northeast, and MOM's Organic Market, your local organic grocery store.

