Useful information about the Presidential Primary this Tuesday

Presidential Primary Vote This Tuesday
The Republican and Democratic parties are holding their Presidential primary vote this Tuesday, April 19th.  Polling places will be open from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM.  Only voters affiliated with the Democratic or Republican parties may vote in their own party’s primary this Tuesday.  New York State does not support cross-over voting (where party members can vote in each other’s primaries) or voting by people not affiliated with the party holding a primary.
Voting will be held at the polling site you would use in a presidential or national election – this is not considered a local election and does not happen only at the Community Center.
Contested primaries are exciting moments for party members.  You cannot hand out literature or advocate for your preferred candidate within the demarcated limits near the polling place.  Political signage is part of the tradition of an election.  Advocates should respect each other’s signs and leave them where placed, undefaced or damaged.